Garbage in Liguria

Continuing the series, I took this snap in the Ligurian coastal city of La Spezia, I think people often don’t stop and think about sights like this.  Each country – and quite often, each region within a country – makes a slightly different decision about what it finds worthwhile to recycle. What I find particularly […]

Garbage in Lugano

Continuing the series, here are some stunning waste receptacles that I spotted in the southern Swiss city of Lugano, One of the first reactions I have is buck the trend. There is a trend in the world today – and for some time – to replace well-built, long-lasting products with cheap and disposable ones. You […]

Garbage in Alsace

I’ve blogged about garbage in Texas, garbage in Germany, garbage in Switzerland – including the famous underground Swiss recycling cysterns! – and a recent trip to Alsace has given me to chance now to show how they handle garbage in Alsace, at least in the commune of Seléstat. Voilà, because the French always say voilà […]