Garbage in Nice
Continuing the series, this garbage receptacle located on the Promenade des Anglais is really a mixture of low-tech (opened by a foot pedal) and high-tech (a light shows whether or not the container is full):
A renaissance man for the twenty-first century!
Continuing the series, this garbage receptacle located on the Promenade des Anglais is really a mixture of low-tech (opened by a foot pedal) and high-tech (a light shows whether or not the container is full):
Continuing the series, here are more garbage receptacles in the French Provence village of Cavaillon,
Continuing the series, here are some receptacles in the French Provence town of Cavaillon,
Continuing the series, here are some underground garbage receptacles, just in front of the ramparts of a medieval fort, in the southern French village of Beaucaire, France
Continuing the series, here are some underground garbage receptacles in the southern French village of Agde,
Continuing the series, a while ago I showed this snap of the famous Underground Recycling Cisterns of Winterthur: Well, today I caught an operator hard at work, emptying one of the cannisters:
Continuing the series, here is a long bank of recycling contains in Zürich,
Continuing the series, I took this snap in the Ligurian coastal city of La Spezia, I think people often don’t stop and think about sights like this. Each country – and quite often, each region within a country – makes a slightly different decision about what it finds worthwhile to recycle. What I find particularly […]
Continuing the series, another shot of the amazing robotically-operated garbage trucks in Texas:
Continuing the series, this is Marvin the Martian: Children today might not recognize him as easily as I do, having grown up watching Looney-Tunes cartoons on television. He dates back to 1948. And Marvin-the-Martian is what I always think about when I see these garbage receptacles at the rest areas of the autoroutes in France:
Continuing the series, here are some stunning waste receptacles that I spotted in the southern Swiss city of Lugano, One of the first reactions I have is buck the trend. There is a trend in the world today – and for some time – to replace well-built, long-lasting products with cheap and disposable ones. You […]
I’ve recently blogged about the garbage vacuums in Germany. So you can imagine my thrill and pleasure when I got the privilege to photograph one in action! As you can see, even the small children took a small break from their very busy day to watch the two men. And you can be sure to […]
I’ve blogged about garbage in Texas, garbage in Germany, garbage in Switzerland – including the famous underground Swiss recycling cysterns! – and a recent trip to Alsace has given me to chance now to show how they handle garbage in Alsace, at least in the commune of Seléstat. Voilà, because the French always say voilà […]
I’ve written about garbage in Texas and garbage in Switzerland. Here is the approach that I see more and more in Germany, as this snap in front of the Rhein River in the South German city of Konstanz shows: The receptacle you see here is not a receptacle at all, but rather a chute over […]
After showing how Texans deal with their garbage, I thought it would be fun to show how my apartment building in Switzerland has recently tackled the challenge. Until a few weeks ago, there were huge containers that we’d throw our garbage bags into: They were smelly, took up a lot of space, and were an […]
Twice per week, that is. Each garbage bin is much, much bigger than you’ll find anywhere in Europe. The contents of the bin are not regulated by law; anything from old boxes to old batteries to old bananas is ok. And the driver stays in the air conditioned cab and operates the controls remotely.
Continuing the series, here is a magnificent snap of some high tech garbage compactors in Zurich: I think if I were a used cardboard box at the end of my life, then it would be a privilege for me to be stuffed and smashed into such a nice looking and nice smelling contraption such as […]
This is the big sign on the Winterthur Stadtwerk Kehrichtverwertungsanlage: The place burns almost 200,000 tons of garbage each year, turning it into both electricity as well as heat that is transported to the local area. As a result of living so close to this place, my heating costs in the winter are astonishingly low.
I’ve written about garbage in Texas and garbage in Switzerland. I’ve also written about garbage in Germany. So as long I was in a garbage state of mine, I wanted to finish by showing a very common sight in the Swiss canton of Zurich: a long row of very nice looking, very pretty smelling chutes: […]
It amazes me that some incredible things – well known to everyone at the time – are too easily forgotten and left for the archaeologists and accidental discoveries centuries later. In one of the central plazas in the northern Swiss town of Winterthur you’ll see this: It looks like a boring picture of a boring plaza, […]