Rheinfelden flowers

Type in Rheinfelden into Google, and you’ll be surprised. There is a Rheinfelden, Switzerland; and there is a Rheinfelden, Germany. The two cities of the same name in the two countries of different names are divided by the river Rhine. Anyway, I took this snap in the downtown area of the German Rheinfelden:

Le Verdun-sur-Mer Flowers

Probably my favorite aspect of travelling is visiting places that no other tourists are likely to go. Recently, I had to chance to visit a very remote section of western France, a tiny (almost microscopic) village of Le Verdun-sur-Mer, where the confluence of the Dordogne and Caronne Rivers form a delta with the Atlantic Ocean, […]

Zwiefalten Flowers

Yes, that’s Zwiefalten – not Zweifalten – and you can see some earlier snaps of this mind-blowing Southern German monastery that I took here. In fact, even the insects surrounding this place must soak up the goodness, because on a recent trip I spotted an insect almost as big as a man’s head. I also […]

Châteauneuf-en-Auxois Flowers – 5

Continuing the series, here are more flowers I spotted while walking around the medieval village of Châteauneuf-en-Auxois deep within in the Burgundy country of France. When I see a sight like this – something very pretty adorning what was once a military fortification, it always drives me crazy! I incessantly wonder when and how something […]

Châteauneuf-en-Auxois Flowers – 4

Continuing the series, here are more flowers I spotted while walking around the medieval village of Châteauneuf-en-Auxois deep within in the Burgundy country of France. I took this snap early in the morning, literally laying on my stomach on the ground. I probably would not have tried that later in the day with more people […]

Châteauneuf-en-Auxois Flowers – 3

Continuing the series, here are more flowers I spotted while walking around the medieval village of Châteauneuf-en-Auxois deep within in the Burgundy country of France. These flowers were high in the village overlooking the Bourgogne countryside. For me it is a deeply emotional scene, with the flower on the right looking longingly at the French […]

Châteauneuf-en-Auxois Flowers – 1

Continuing the series, I took this snap while walking around the medieval village of Châteauneuf-en-Auxois deep within in the Burgundy country of France. I haven’t used it much until now, but I am experimenting with the aperture settings on my little point-and-shoot camera, so that the foreground is in sharp focus, but the background is […]

Buddha Flowers

Continuing the series, a snap, then something AMAZING. First, the snap: And now for something amazing. This snap was taken in the city of My Tho, near the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. But that is not what is amazing. What is amazing is that there is nothing native in this snap!  Both Buddhism and pink […]

Würm flowers

Continuing the series, I took this snap in a field in Alsace, What’s amazing to me about it are two things. The plants are stuck on the ground and remind me of starfish. And the high number of flat, polished rocks is certainly a vestige of the last ice age in this area, in which […]

Pérouges – Survival of the prettiest

Flowers survive and thrive, by growing nice flowers that attract honeybees. Dogs survive and thrive, by being cute and ensuring humans love having them around. So, too, do ancient, decaying medieval cities survive and thrive, by re-inventing themselves to attract tourists. Here’s the town map of a very remote medieval town, called Pérouges, It’s located […]