Continuing the series, the following link was sent to me by my good friend Ertan yesterday, and I found it too good to resist.
The power people’s personalities provide – gosh that sounds nice and a way to reap important benefits!
But in fact the title of the website sounds negative and an approach for solving a problem: How to deal with difficult people.
Be that as it may, this website gives a nice overview of different personality types, and you can click on the personality type and you’ll find useful advice about how to work with people with that type.
It’s nothing new, of course – I just don’t know when it begun. The earliest such approach in my recollection was a terrific book from 2001 by J. Hank Rainwater entitled “Herding Cats: A primer for programmers who lead programmers.” You can find a PDF version on the Internet if you look hard enough. Surprisingly, I discovered it at exactly the right time, when I was new in the role of IT project manager and struggling with my first real project.
And it was followed by a wonderful chapter in a book by Patrick Schmid entitled Turbo “Turbo Projektmanagement: Mit einfachen Mittel schneller zum Projekterfolg.”
And this in turn was followed by a less complete but – without doubt – much more useful approach by my ex-colleague and good friend Mario Neumann in his book Projekt-Safari.
Thanks, Ertan, great catch!