The Gotthard Pass

This is a snap from arguably the most important of all passes through the Swiss Alps, the Gotthard Pass:

Again, since I never re-touch or edit my snaps in any way- what you see is what I got! – this has to be one of my favorites, with the intense green contrasting a very thin white band of atmosphere just above the horizon.

Although you can see it here, several hundred feet below the ground is an Autobahn tunnel, that I mentioned in a recent blog post.

If you are interested and get the chance, there is a fabulous historical movie that depicts the tunnel building efforts. It’s fascinating because it addresses things you might think about (the horse caravan industry that transported goods across the Gotthard Pass in the summer was threatened existentially) and things you might not (huge problems with disease, simply because the long tunnel and sanitary conditions at the time did not permit the transport of human waste out of the tunnel).